An Asian man was brutally attacked in the streets of Manhattan on Friday and people marched through the same street in his support. According to the sources, the man was later hospitalized and still remains in coma.
The attack was recorded in the surveillance video which took place in East Harlem neighborhood of New York City. The Asian man was aged around 61 years who was collecting cans when he was attacked from the back and was stomped on the head several times by some stranger.
His wife stated that she is very scare and worried about return of his husband safely and alive. She said that as a couple they moved to New York City in year 2018 from China. Her husband was working in a restaurant as a dishwasher and he recently lost his job during the COVID Pandemic. He used to collect empty bottles and cans for their lively hood as he can not stay unemployed. She further added that her husband is very hardworking and a good person and she is very panicked right now.
One person from the people who marched for that man said that he is in touch with the Asian Chinese community and he will take stand for their well being and protect them.
According to the reports, the man is still in a critical condition but he is kind of stable now.
The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is doing the investigation. It is predicted that the attack must have been done on the hatred over the race. In U.S. there is a spike in Anti Asian hate crimes and it is one of those only.
Also, a study found that in the year 2020, Anti Asian crime increase by 150% and other crimes have fell by 7%. And New York City has shown the highest spike in the Anti Asian Crime.